ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We hear so often the quote, "Live each day as your last..."

What do you think about that? When you hear it, what is your
response? Do you even think twice about it?

It hit me today- a friend text me and asked me to keep her
family in my prayers- my response was, "Yeah, whats up?"
Her response: well...my Daddy was running this morning
and had a heart attack and died on the side of the road."

I cannot even explain what I was thinking- but it hit me
square in the face- how do I live my days, bc I sure do
not know when it is my time... I live thinking that I will
be here until I am in my 90s...old, frail, sitting at home
watching soaps...Blech! But, back on topic- saying I love you
can be awkward sometimes, but God calls us to LOVE others as
ourselves. I get so caught up in, oh this is awkward so I just
wont say it, i'll just write it or text it- DUMB!DUMB! DUMB!
Show it, say it, and do it- if they think it's weird- oh well
it's a command!

So anyway- I am pretty shaken up about this whole thing-
The funeral is Sat. so I will be there for most of the
afternoon. Please if you are reading this, lift up the
Davenport family, with peace poured over them and to
see God's unfailing and everlasting love....

I love you guys! (hahahah)

1 comment:

  1. Sad story. I was with Hines when he got the call about it. He and Gary were good friends. We will definitely be praying. God Bless.
