ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Soooooooo Good!

Oh man- I know I'm in Rochester, NY when I have some good ole Country Sweet. I am not kidding you- they have the absolute best chicken wings with the most amazing sauce you have ever put in your mouth. GOODNESS!!!!! It is a must every time we come to visit family here- today we literally got off the airplane and literally went directly to the restaurant. My mouth is salivating even thinking about it...YUM!


  1. Heyy Cutee!
    i made a blogger thingy but idk how to use it its http://volleyballbabe-volleyball.blogspot.com/
    I'm gonna use it when im in computer class and really bord. Can't wait till ultimate frisbee
    -Peace, Stacey

  2. cool thanks,
    i love this new one. i was wondering why you were so behind on your old one:)
    how do I get my title picture smaller like you?
    mine always seems so big

  3. Have a great time. Tell your dad I say hi...me his best friend...

  4. Hey i finally learned how to use this blog thing, and i made my profile cutee! Talk to ya when you get back from NY. Cant wait till next saturday :)

  5. AHHHAHHHH Wow i hate my life. I just found out that HARRIS is coaching tennis along with the cheerleading coach rah-rah!. He was like i played in high schol and i was bad but whatever. So this season is gonna stink. Haha why dont u and michelle coach you'd definately be better :) How do i put a pict. on my blog thing.. this profile stuff is hard to figure out. Oh wanna hear something funny.. okay guess so. Our varsity football team played naples JV football team and lost 91-0. WE BASICALLY SUCK!!

  6. http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=370743&altf=Fsjo&altl=Efdlfs

    put this in the address box its a funny prseidential thing.. Haha
    Erin for President
