ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Family Reunion!!!!

Man, last Sunday we had a family reunion at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Dansville. It is not far from Rochester, where I went for my cousins wedding and we went out there because my grandparents (on Dads side) were leaving to come back to Fl the next day! It was kind of a emotional shock to me though. As we are all sitting there enjoying the company, my Grandma called me to come sit with her on the couch. Now I have a huge family, 6 aunts and uncles on both sides, so there were a ton of people there. My Grandma who is now I think 80, went through all of her photos of her kids (so my Dad) when she was home. She sat there and went through them all with me and was handing the ones of my dad for me to keep. I couldn't understand why she was doing this, and she said, "I am coming to the end of my road, so I wanted to get these out so you have them." I cannot express what went through my head. The pics are pretty funny though! We will just say, you learn a lot about your family as you go through pics. Ill post some soon...


  1. ERIN DECKER!!! WHAT THE HECK I'M TOTALLY MAD AT YOU! I NEED PICTS. AND A COACH AT THE GAME... YEAH AND UR GOING TO BE PARTYING INSTEAD :( IF WE LOSE IM BLAMING YOU. HAH LOL. NOT KIDDING* HAH RACHEL <3'S YOU.. I swear if we have to go to that v-ball game with u know who instead of ultimate i am going to be very MADDDDDDDD! Anyways ill probably leave you some more comments at school. Peace ill call ya after the game tho.

  2. Hey Cuttee! I'm at school and it finally let me on this site again.! woo-hoo. SENIOR night should be alot of fun-to bad ur going to a CRAZY bachelorette partay!. Lame but im going to take a bunch of picts tonight and i can send them to ya if you want. Let me know about saturday b.c i dont really want to go to volleyball and miss frisbee.! U coming to practice friday?????????????

  3. HEY YOU! I have some funny picts. from senior night if you want i can e-mail them to you.
