ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Monday, January 14, 2013

{The Gospel}

Strong words by Tim Keller...love the truth in this 

{hearts desire}

Lord enable me to become absolutely diligent in spending daily time with you, to be fervent in prayer with all honesty, love and adoration. That I would strive to speak boldly with compassion and discernment. Praying and seeking wisdom and knowledge, but not to come off to others as "to good". May I be and remain broken before you Lord, and ask for encounters with you that bring daily transformation. Lord, I believe and trust that you will and have begun doing this in me. I lay my life down before you...you have my heart

Thursday, January 10, 2013


It is safe to say, I am learning a lot right now...

No, I wouldn't change it for anything- even if you told me that it would make everything easier and maybe even make sense. I think we all have moments where we wish we knew why something was happening or why we are going through a trial. Here's the deal- we don't need to know, when we know and believe in our hearts that God is sovereign and our provider. 

Did you catch that???

GOD IS SOVEREIGN (supreme, preeminent, above all, with all power) 

I have to remind myself of this daily. Often, many times throughout. It is something I know, yet strive to believe and trust. 

One of my favorite things to do is sit down with women and hear their stories. The story of grace in their life- How Jesus chose them, captured their heart, romanced them, and called them to Him...it's the pursuit- how perfect it is. I see God's sovereignty daily, no joke there. Another thing I love is being able to recognize God's movement in and through others lives...my goodness, it brings me to tears when I see Him working even in the slightest way. 

I have been blessed with some pretty amazing friends and could not be (well, could be) more thankful for them and my family. I would consider myself a passionate protective friend, sometimes to a fault-but I am learning. Isn't that amazing... we continue to learn-I never want to stop learning, honestly. 

In saying that- there are many times I become over protective and speak quickly without really taking the time to think and process. I don't want to make excuses for myself blaming it on the fact that I am protective and want what God's best is for them, so I won't, but I am realizing this about myself...with help :) I'm beyond thankful for learning situations, because I know this is absolutely a work of the Lord and He is transforming me more into his likeness. I wouldn't want anything different, but it's not easy. Realizing these things I go to the automatic thought of- "Oh no, I hurt them"

I have been learning and studying a lot about becoming a woman of a gentle and quiet spirit. It is not my first instinct; which is not a bad thing, but it is something I really feel the Lord has directed me to pursue- and so I go... I have a competitive nature- one that wants to do well at tasks set before me and I have learned so much through that. I really believe I have found a lot of strength and the ability to persevere because of that, but there are other characteristics that I desire to have as well. 

So, think about it...what characteristic do you possess, and how do you desire to grow in those and change in them as well?

-Help me out now...what do you think it means to be a woman of a gentle and quiet spirit? 
-When you see this in others, what is it that draws you to that conclusion? 

My prayer is this- that I would hold fast to 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." Lord, lead me...I want to learn

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


It has been forever and trust me I have a good reason...

When I started seminary first of all my schedule went all crazy and I got ridiculously busy...second, I was not able to sign into my blog because the new school email messed with the email associated with my blog and all sorts of mess happened.

So, tonight as I am sitting here just finished my devo time I decided to figure this out because so much has been going on that I wanted to write again :)

Needless to say, I am excited to be back- we will see how frequently I can get on and actually write because I will become a hermit this coming semester, but Hey! let's test it out...

This is something I wrote and realized the other day- it is more for a friend (really two friends) but why not share it without getting specific-

Because God knows and understands ALL and ALL about 
where you are: in life; in thoughts, etc. we are led to a place
 in Him at times where He literally wants us to just ask
 questions and submit to Him in that way. You are learning about
 patience and submission- He is NOT silent, but He IS listening
 to you patiently with ALL understanding of ALL of your questions. 
He is not ready to answer your cry yet, BUT when He does, 
it will be bold and strong, maybe even loud. You will know and at that 
time your response will be repentance, surrender, and praise to Him.
 Rest in that- you don't NEED to understand it. 
-EGD 1-6-13

Praying and Believing God for BIG things this year