ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Perfect Love

I have climbed the platform of my ambition. The flight of steps leads toward my dreams and aspirations. I know for sure this is the place God has called me to. Every path has led in this direction. Every counsel has affirmed His plan. Every path has led in this direction. Every counsel has affirmed His plan. Friends have climbed steps with me. Others have prayed me up from down below.

Finally, I am at the top and I can see the unfolding vista of God's design. This is not the end, but the first of many platforms to come. It has taken so long to climb this one, and I get to the top with aching muscles, a little out of breath. But fear has climbed with me. He is laughing at my aches and pains. He says that I should be in better shape if I'm going to get to the next platform. He makes me feel worthless. He leans into my weakness and pushes every button.

I stand at the top of my calling, listening tho the doubts that surround me. I decided to talk it through. Ask a few more people. Weigh each fear and discuss the implications. Maybe I should do more research. Maybe I don't deserve this now. Maybe I should go back down the steps and rethink the whole thing. Fear has raised some good issues.

But a gentle voice calls to me. It is the most confident voice I have ever heard. He is not impatient. He is not flustered. I sounds like He is speaking to me through a smile. He is calm and assured. He is strong and persuasive.

Perfect love yells to me, "(Erin), you are tied on. I promised. This is the place I have led you to. This is exactly the right time. You are not a weak-willed woman anymore because you are desperate for Me. Tell fear to step aside. Trust Me. I have you. Now, shut up and jump."

Jesus, you have me...my heart is yours and I will not be shaken.

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