ramblings from my heart and mind

{On a constant journey with the Lord-striving to glorify him with everything I am-love others the way Christ has and continues to love me-determined to be the best daughter, friend, mentor, and individual I can be}

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seeking Confirmation

So, I know I haven't written in forever, but I think I am going to get back to it :) Just the other day I was taking part in a Bible study called, Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Schrier. GREAT study, so far and she made a really important point that hit me smack in the face. Most of the session was about the Holy Spirit and how this generation is "missing" the whole importance of this aspect of our faith. It is like a blank canvas to us, we just don't get it. So, near the end of the study she gives 5 M's of discerning the voice of God...I am thinking...wow this is the trick I have been missing for so long. 5 simple questions to ask myself when I am seeking an answer. But, something much more than that came to me as I was listening. The last M was, expecting the mercy of His confirmation. My thought: interesting...asking for confirmation; meaning we have already received an answer, but we are seeking more of a response. Hmmm, I am still caught up on this and if you read this (for some reason :)) let me know your thoughts! So as I am thinking about this, I start reflecting on what I am going through at the moment to see where this can be a thought. I think I was always taught and told that when the Lord speaks to you, and you recognize it (bc we all know sometimes we need an extra push), to act on it. I feel like if we are seeking confirmation then because we have already heard from the Lord then we are not acting. Don't get me wrong...I fully believe and understand that we need to make sure that we are discerning His voice apart from ours and others, but I kind of feel that it is questioning His answer to us.

Any who, throughout my mind going crazy about this whole thought process, I almost started laughing, I mean lets be real, I did start laughing out loud because the Lord totally gave me confirmation about going back to school. Now that is a whole other story, but how funny!

tell me what you think!

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